Friday, June 4, 2010

Common writing mistakes and errors

When someone is going to write a document, owing to an enormous variety of reasons, errors and mistakes commonly appear.

If talking about mistakes, the solution is easy. Why? Well, the author has just simply to look for the solving factors in the knowledge he/she already has.

Why do I affirm this? A mistake is no more than the misapplication of a rule that we already master, but due to some factors we use it in a wrong way. Therefore, if we just think consciously about it, we are to get to the correct usage because that is part of our register.

What is really delicate is when talking about errors. An error is based on an assumption, in Linguistics called overgeneralization, in which we take for granted that a rule which prescribes the usage of any part of speech or even a complete structure could be used the same way a similar one is. What is taking place in this case actually is the complete lack of knowledge on how we must well apply such language components.

The delicate aspect is not because we do not know how to use vocabulary, Spelling, Syntax, etc. It is because Semantics is affected as well. This simple aspect affects the message conveyance considerably, making it obscure, doubtful, and sometimes even completely opposite if compared with the original author’s intention.

The implication of this kind of mistakes creates misunderstanding, communication problems, and in general, the main objective of the language is not reached.

All of the languages suffer this “infection” made by their users, but it becomes more delicate if referred to/made by public figures, in whose case the message is not a family one, but a public one, and in some cases it even has state scopes.

Let us analyze this official Spanish document:
See paragraph # 3:“…daƱos severos a la infraestructura…” the used preposition (“a”) is not the adequate one. The same happens in next paragraph.

See paragraph # 5, line # 3, in the section of “RECOMENDACIONES”: …los conocimientos que faltan desarrollarse…” The re is a problem of concordance in terms of number.

Pay attention to the final paragraph to page # 2, line # 5:”… de conformidad a la ley…”

During the class session, we are analyzing the “Circular # 10" that presents writing problems regarding contradiction, lack of harmony and coherence.
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